Thursday, March 21, 2024

My first program using Rust - delving into trait...

चरैवेति, चरैवेति - Charaiveti, Charaiveti - keep walking...

because the motion is the life - we need to move on to keep the balance of life...

We must not stop.

The movement is essential.

Life is like a bicycle

The moment it stops - the balance goes for a toss

Life is like a stream.

The moment the flow of the stream is lost, all sorts of fungi pollute the water - and the water becomes dirty and ceases to be a potable one.

So, we have to keep moving all throughout our lives - physically - spiritually - and metaphorically - we must not stop the movement - because the

Ultimate Stop comes with Death.

So, here we go...

After C++, Java and Python...

my first program in Rust delving into trait - which is like an interface in Java or an abstract class of C++...

In Rust.... I trust....

Source Code:

trait Animal {

fn make_sound(&self);

fn wag_tail(&self){

println!("I don't have a tail...");



struct Human{}

impl Animal for Human {

fn make_sound(&self) {

println!("Human is speaking...");



struct Dog {}

impl Animal for Dog {

fn make_sound(&self) {

println!("Dog barks...");


fn wag_tail(&self) {

println!("The dog is waging it's tail");



fn main() {

let dog = Box::new (Dog {});



let man = Box::new (Human {});




The output:

Dog barks...

The dog is waging it's tail

Human is speaking...

I don't have a tail...

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