Friday, March 22, 2024

Factory Design Pattern in Rust - my exploration continues...

Living a purposeful life - Karmyog... Salvation... Awakening...

You know, the best way to learn a modern computer programming language is to apply the nuances in designing a real life problem. This way I learned C++, Java and Python. And now I am applying the same logic while picking up Rust.

in Rust I keep my trust...


here we go...

A simple factory design pattern in Rust - my second program of Rust.


Source Code:

trait Food{

fn display(&self);


enum FoodType{




struct Chocolate{}

impl Food for Chocolate {

fn display(&self) {

println!("A chocolate is made...");



struct Biscuit{}

impl Food for Biscuit {

fn display(&self){

println!("A biscuit is made...");



struct FoodFactory;

impl FoodFactory{

fn new_food (item:&FoodType) -> Box<dyn Food>{

match item {

FoodType::Chocolate => Box::new(Chocolate{}),

FoodType::Biscuit => Box ::new(Biscuit{}),




fn main() {

let food = FoodFactory::new_food(&FoodType::Chocolate);


let food = FoodFactory::new_food(&FoodType::Biscuit);



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