Friday, May 6, 2022

The tribute from a #guru to his own gurus...


here is the #guru inside me is paying his tributes to his #guru from the #techworld and other walks of his life

they are Linus Torvalds, the authors of the #gangoffour #designpatern book, the creator of #android, and many more people who contributed to this enormous effort while still keeping it open source, the authors of the #effectivecpp and #moreeffectivecpp and the similar category of books, professor Doug of the USA for his insights about android internals in the lectures, I think at #coursera, my family/wife for providing me a caring #home and taking care of all the external noises and giving me enough room for in-depth study and research, and last but not the least, my currently 11-years-old son #ridit - my best student so far - for still keeping the fire in the belly alive.

the term Techworld is significant.

they showed me the way to move forward in the maze of the software world.

at last, I am able to claim to be a true engineer

it takes time to gain real expertise.

I look up to other gurus for another purpose - like morality, character, philosophy, or mindset

today is the right time to mention them as well

the #guru that I adore a lot is the avatar of #lordkrishna uttering #gita in the deadly battlefield of #mahabharata and I have learned a lot from this #guru about how to motivate myself in difficult times

the other character that attracts me is #shabari feeding the tired #lordrama - which shows that many times just a bit of kindness is enough to make a dead person alive

the other character I am attracted to is #daupradi who showed what exactly is meant by #agnikanya - a really powerful image of the ancient #bharat - always took the center stage of #mahabharata by her sheer intelligence and beauty - energizing all of her lions in the right direction. there is a lot for the modern-day feminists to learn from her

the other character that has attracted me is #karna - the real fighter - being struck by #destiny - yet never became a coward soul for any selfish reason

the other #guru to mention here is #dronacharya - the man behind creating skills

the other #guru is #vivekananda - who showed that by sheer determination and good intention, we can really move a mountain - a real #guru for the youth of the nation - a #karmyogi

the other few gurus I must mention is my #grandfather who enlightened me with the real history of #bharat - without any manipulation from the people like Romila Thaper and all such leftist propaganda machine

my parents showed me that hard work pays off

and then all of my childhood teachers who taught me - most of the time without even taking a penny must be mentioned here

the childhood friends of #purulia created a really jealousy free environment where collaboration was the real fun way

the raw environment of #purulia where actually there was no restriction as such helped me live the life on my own terms - which was of course a boon in the disguise

and last but not the least all the negative people who actually created hurdles in the journey helped me to become more resilient instead of becoming a weak-hearted guy

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