Thursday, March 6, 2025

Flipping the learning process of Computer Graphics - from Blender to OpenGL...

 In learning, experimentation matters...

My young son Ridit is just doing this. He has taken a less travelled road in learning Computer Graphics. Instead of learning OpenGL first, he mastered 3D skills using Blender. This opens the door of "whats" of computer graphics. Now he is delving into OpenGL... this is opening up the door of "hows".

So his transformation is from a 3D engineer to computer graphics programmer..

This is his third program of openGL.

But he mastered three programming languages - namely Java, Python and C++ before doing such experimentation.

Here we go - the path from Blender to OpenGL...

📌 Blender Concept → OpenGL Implementation:

Blender ConceptOpenGL Equivalent

Meshes & Objects            Vertex Buffers (VBO, VAO)

Transformations       glm::translate(), glm::rotate(), glm::scale()

Camera & View        glm::lookAt() (Perspective Projection)

Lights            GLSL Phong Lighting Model

Materials & Textures            Fragment Shader with sampler2D

Learning computer science becomes fun when we do a lot of experimentation with the learning process.

Here's the tech blog of Ridit - a new face in tech sector of Bharat.

Concepts first.... Code later...

Seeing fast results in Blender keeps the learning process exciting...

Reclaiming #WhoWeAre