Friday, March 29, 2024

Adapter pattern in Rust - my exploration continues - in Rust, I keep my Trust...


It's truly said that if you teach a person, actually two people learn.

As a guru of my young son, Ridit, I taught him many design patterns and he implemented them in three different languages.

Here's his discussion on Adaptor Design Pattern.

Please go through his explanation.

Today I implemented his work of Adapter Pattern using Rust.

In Rust... I keep my Trust.

Rust addresses memory safety and concurrency issues that plague other systems languages like C and C++. This makes it attractive for building reliable, high-performance systems.

Rust is already being used in embedded systems, operating system kernels, and high-performance computing. Rust's memory safety makes it ideal for applications where security is paramount.

In simple words, the future of Rust programming language looks bright.

Here's the source code for the Adapter Design Pattern in Rust.

use std::io;

trait IWeatherFinder {

fn get_temperature(&self, city_name : &str)-> i32;


struct WeatherFinder{}

impl IWeatherFinder for WeatherFinder{

fn get_temperature(&self, city_name : &str) -> i32{

if (city_name.trim().eq("Kolkata".trim())){




println!("Unknown City Name...Could not read temperature");





trait iWeatherFinderClient {

fn get_temperature (&self, city_pincode : i32)->i32;


struct WeatherAdapter{}

impl WeatherAdapter {

fn get_city_name (&self, pincode : i32) -> &str {

if pincode == 700078 {



else {




fn get_temperature (&self, pincode : i32)-> i32 {

let city_name = self.get_city_name(pincode);

let weatherfinder : WeatherFinder = *Box::new(WeatherFinder{});




fn main() {

println!("Enter pin code");

let mut pincode = String::new();

io::stdin().read_line(&mut pincode).expect("Failed to read line");

let pin_code: i32 = pincode.trim().parse().expect("Input not an integer");

let weatheradapter = WeatherAdapter{};

let temperature: i32 = weatheradapter.get_temperature(pin_code);

println!("The temparature is {} degree celcius", temperature);



Enter pin code


The temperature is 40 degree celcius

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Strategy Design Pattern in Rust...

Karmyog - Work is worship...

In Rust, i keep my Trust...

The strategy design pattern is a behavioral design pattern that lets you dynamically switch the behavior of an object at runtime. It achieves this by separating the core functionality of the object from the specific algorithms it uses.

Here's a breakdown of the core concepts:

Strategy Interface: This interface defines the common operation that all the different algorithms will implement. This ensures that all the interchangeable strategies can be used by the context object.

Concrete Strategies: These are the classes that implement the specific algorithms. Each concrete strategy class implements the strategy interface and provides its own unique behavior for the operation.

Context Object: This object holds a reference to a strategy object and delegates the specific operation to it. It can change its behavior at runtime by switching the reference to a different concrete strategy.

Here's an example of an UML diagram for the Strategy Design Pattern.

In my code, the 

trait TransportationToAirport{

fn going_to_the_airport(&self);


plays the role of the Strategy interface.

Three concrete Strategy classes have been derived from this interface  - namely, By_Ola, By_Bus and By_Rapido.

These concrete strategy classes help to pick up a specific way for going to the airport dynamically, i.e.,  in runtime.

Here's the source code for Strategy Pattern implemented in Rust.

use std::io;

trait TransportationToAirport{

fn going_to_the_airport(&self);


struct By_Bus{}

impl TransportationToAirport for By_Bus {

fn going_to_the_airport(&self) {

println!("Going to airport by Bus...");



struct By_Ola{}

impl TransportationToAirport for By_Ola{

fn going_to_the_airport(&self) {

println!("Going to airport by Ola...")



struct By_Rapido{}

impl TransportationToAirport for By_Rapido{

fn going_to_the_airport(&self) {

println!("Going to airport by Rapido...");



struct Traveller{

strategy : Box<dyn TransportationToAirport>,


impl Traveller{

fn new(strategy: Box<dyn TransportationToAirport>) -> Self {

Traveller { strategy }


fn travel(&self){



pub fn set_strategy(&mut self, strategy: Box<dyn TransportationToAirport>) {

self.strategy = strategy;



fn main() {

println!("Enter your choice...");

let mut choice = String::new();

io::stdin().read_line(&mut choice);

if choice.trim().eq("BUS".trim()){

let traveller : Traveller = Traveller::new(Box::new(By_Bus{}));;


if choice.trim().eq("OLA".trim()){

let traveller : Traveller = Traveller::new(Box::new(By_Ola{}));;


if choice.trim().eq("RAPIDO".trim()){

let traveller : Traveller = Traveller::new(Box::new(By_Rapido{}));;



Here's the output of the above code:

Enter your choice...


Going to airport by Ola...

Monday, March 25, 2024

Proxy design pattern in Rust - my exploration continues - Karmyog is the best way forward...

Proxy pattern - as the name suggests - creates a proxy in place of a real heavy-duty object.

Let me give you a real-life example taken from computer science.

In case a document contains many huge-sized images, it does not load all the images when the doc gets loaded into the memory. Because it might take a very long time. 

The proxy pattern comes as a rescue. 

The document, instead of the actual mega images, gets loaded with very lightweight proxies of those images. And then when needed - in actual run time, i.e., when we need to see an image, the images get loaded by the proxy. This kind of proxy is called a virtual proxy.

Now let us talk from our example.

We are a family of three. Now my son does all the lightweight jobs - like, if there is a guest, he opens the door. So, he is the initial interface for the guests. However, in case, a guest wants to have lunch or dinner, my son calls his Mamma - because it's a heavy-duty job that he himself cannot do.

So basically my son gives proxy to his Mom, and if needed - like when he has to perform a heavy-duty job like cooking - he simply delegates the task to his Mom. For all other lightweight jobs, his Mom, who obviously has a lot of significant jobs to perform, remains in the background. She comes in the foreground in case there is a heavy-duty task like cooking for a guest.

Here's the UML class diagram of the proxy pattern.

Now the source code of Proxy Pattern implemented in Rust

Source Code

trait Family{

fn cook(&self);

fn open_the_door(&self){

println!("Son will handle Open The Door task");



struct Mamma{}

impl Family for Mamma {

fn cook(&self){

println!("Mamma is an expert cook..Mamma is cooking the food...");



struct Son<'a > {

mamma : & 'a Mamma,


impl <'a> Son<'a > {

fn new (mamma : & 'a Mamma)-> Son {

Son { mamma }



impl <'a> Family for Son<'a> {

fn cook(&self) {

println!("Son cannot cook.... So he is passing the buck to Mamma");




fn main() {

    let mamma : Mamma = Mamma { };

let son = Son :: new(&mamma);




If we run the above code, the output will be like this:

Son will handle Open The Door task

Son cannot cook.... So he is passing the buck to Mamma

Mamma is an expert cook..Mamma is cooking the food...

Friday, March 22, 2024

Factory Design Pattern in Rust - my exploration continues...

Living a purposeful life - Karmyog... Salvation... Awakening...

You know, the best way to learn a modern computer programming language is to apply the nuances in designing a real life problem. This way I learned C++, Java and Python. And now I am applying the same logic while picking up Rust.

in Rust I keep my trust...


here we go...

A simple factory design pattern in Rust - my second program of Rust.


Source Code:

trait Food{

fn display(&self);


enum FoodType{




struct Chocolate{}

impl Food for Chocolate {

fn display(&self) {

println!("A chocolate is made...");



struct Biscuit{}

impl Food for Biscuit {

fn display(&self){

println!("A biscuit is made...");



struct FoodFactory;

impl FoodFactory{

fn new_food (item:&FoodType) -> Box<dyn Food>{

match item {

FoodType::Chocolate => Box::new(Chocolate{}),

FoodType::Biscuit => Box ::new(Biscuit{}),




fn main() {

let food = FoodFactory::new_food(&FoodType::Chocolate);


let food = FoodFactory::new_food(&FoodType::Biscuit);



Thursday, March 21, 2024

My first program using Rust - delving into trait...

चरैवेति, चरैवेति - Charaiveti, Charaiveti - keep walking...

because the motion is the life - we need to move on to keep the balance of life...

We must not stop.

The movement is essential.

Life is like a bicycle

The moment it stops - the balance goes for a toss

Life is like a stream.

The moment the flow of the stream is lost, all sorts of fungi pollute the water - and the water becomes dirty and ceases to be a potable one.

So, we have to keep moving all throughout our lives - physically - spiritually - and metaphorically - we must not stop the movement - because the

Ultimate Stop comes with Death.

So, here we go...

After C++, Java and Python...

my first program in Rust delving into trait - which is like an interface in Java or an abstract class of C++...

The cornerstone of abstraction in Rust is traits:

  • Traits are Rust's sole notion of interface. A trait can be implemented by multiple types, and in fact new traits can provide implementations for existing types. 

  • Traits can be statically dispatched. Like C++ templates, you can have the compiler generate a separate copy of an abstraction for each way it is instantiated. Static dispatch generally results in faster code execution because there is no overhead associated with determining which function to call at runtime. The trade-off is that the code footprint will be larger.

Here is an example of static dispatch.

use std::any::type_name;

trait Shape {
fn area(&self) -> f64;

struct Circle {
radius: f64,

struct Square {
side: f64,

impl Shape for Circle {
fn area(&self) -> f64 {
3.14 * self.radius * self.radius

impl Shape for Square {
fn area(&self) -> f64 {
self.side * self.side

fn print_area<T: Shape>(shape: T) {
println!("Area of : {} is {} :", type_name::<T>(), shape.area());

fn main() {
let c = Circle { radius: 3.0 };
let s = Square { side: 2.0 };

print_area(c); // Statically dispatched to Circle's implementation of `area`
print_area(s); // Statically dispatched to Square's implementation of `area`

  • Traits can be dynamically dispatched. Sometimes you really do need an indirection, and so it doesn't make sense to "erase" an abstraction at runtime. The same notion of interface -- the trait -- can also be used when you want to dispatch at runtime.

Source Code of dynamic dispatch:

trait Animal {
fn make_sound(&self);
fn wag_tail(&self){

println!("i don't have a tail...");

struct Human{}

impl Animal for Human {
fn make_sound(&self) {
println!("Human is speaking...");

struct Dog {}

impl Animal for Dog {

fn make_sound(&self) {
println!("Dog barks...");

fn wag_tail(&self) {
println!("The dog is waging it's tail");

fn main() {
let dog = Box::new (Dog {});


let man = Box::new (Human {});


The output:

Dog barks... The dog is waging it's tail Human is speaking... i don't have a tail...

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The goal of a software developer must be to move far above the language syntax - a study of Rust's Ownership Model vs C++ shared_ptr and unique_ptr


I always say to my student community that the primary goal of a software engineer must be to move above the language syntax and the nittie gritties of a software language. We must look at the code more from a designers' perspective and less as a programmers' perspective.

As I am trying to pick up Rust programming language to train my students, one thing I noticed and delved into was the ownership model of the Rust language and I could easily map it with the C++ shared_ptr and unique_ptr implementation.

My son Ridit and I conducted a study on the move copy of C++ shared_ptr long time back and then we wrote this blog post.

The move copy assignment operator is a member function of the std::shared_ptr class in C++. It is used to assign the ownership of a shared pointer to another shared pointer. The move copy assignment operator is more efficient than the copy assignment operator because it does not need to create a new copy of the underlying object.
The move copy assignment operator takes a single argument, which is a reference to a shared pointer. The argument must be an rvalue, which means that it cannot be a reference to a named variable. The move copy assignment operator then transfers the ownership of the underlying object from the argument to the shared pointer that it is called on.

The move copy assignment operator is typically used when the shared pointer that it is called on is about to be destroyed. This allows the ownership of the underlying object to be transferred to another shared pointer, which prevents the object from being deleted.

Here is an example of how to use the move copy assignment operator:

std::shared_ptr<int> ptr1 (new int(10));
std::shared_ptr<int> ptr2;

ptr2 = std::move(ptr1);

std::cout << *ptr2 << std::endl; // prints 10

In this example, the move copy assignment operator is used to transfer the ownership of the underlying object from ptr1 to ptr2. After the move copy assignment operator is called, ptr1 will no longer be a valid shared pointer.

Here's a comparison between Rust's ownership model and C++ shared_ptr /unique_ptr model.

Rust's ownership model

It is a core concept that governs memory management in the language. Unlike some languages that rely on garbage collection, Rust uses a system with strict rules enforced by the compiler at compile time. This ensures memory safety and prevents issues like memory leaks or dangling pointers.

Here's a breakdown of the key aspects of Rust's ownership model:

  • Ownership: Every value in Rust has an associated variable that acts as its owner. This variable is responsible for the value's lifetime in memory.
  • Moves: When you assign a value to another variable, ownership is transferred (moved). The original variable can no longer be used after the move. This prevents data corruption and ensures clarity about who "owns" the data.
  • Borrows: In some situations, you might need to use data without taking ownership. Rust allows borrowing, where a reference is created to access the data owned by another variable. The borrow checker, a part of the compiler, ensures borrows are valid and don't violate ownership rules.
  • Lifetimes: Lifetimes are annotations that specify the lifetime of references. They help the borrow checker guarantee that borrowed data is still valid when it's used.

By understanding these concepts, you can write memory-safe and efficient Rust programs. The ownership model might seem to be complex at first, but it becomes intuitive with practice and leads to robust and reliable software.

C++'s Smart Pointers (unique_ptr and shared_ptr):

  • Manual memory management with control: You have more control over ownership transfer and lifetime management.
  • Unique_ptr: Ensures single ownership and automatic deallocation when it goes out of scope. Similar to moving semantics in Rust, but managed at runtime.
  • Shared_ptr: Allows multiple owners to share a resource. Requires manual memory management and can lead to dangling pointers if not used carefully.
  • More complex and error-prone: Requires careful handling of ownership and potential for memory leaks or dangling pointers if not used correctly.

So the main point for the student community is to pick up one Object Oriented language very thoroughly and then you will find similarities in other languages - you will be able to map it with your existing knowledge base.

So... move way above the language syntax and get the big picture like an expert.

Friday, March 1, 2024

C++ 20 - concurrency - stop_token in jthread - politely interrupting the thread...

 When I studied the Android's Asynctask mechanism many years ago, I was fascinated about the implementation of a nice state machine for different stages of an asynchronous task.

C++ multi threading was a bit raw, in the sense that it was not matured in the initial stage. It seems it is catching up.

So let's continue - just for fun...

A thread cannot be preempted while in the critical section. But what about in case the thread is not inside a critical section and the thread function in the background is doing a heavy duty task like downloading a large video files from a remote server which you want to cancel from the UI (the reason for such a system is when the network is slow, the download may take a very long time and hence you want to cancel it midway). 

In C++ 20, the stop_token header which has introduced a mechanism by which any thread (obviously not in the critical section) can be interrupted and made exit the thread function. The stop_token header is a nice way of implementing the co-operative thread preemption and cancelling an asynctask midway.

Here's a brief description of it...


  • Represents the cancellation state of an asynchronous task.
  • Doesn't directly control the task, but indicates if a cancellation request has been made.
  • Used to check if cancellation is requested within the running task.


  • An optional callback function registered with a stop_token.
  • Invoked when the associated task is stopped.

Here in the example, the main thread goes to sleep for certain time. In that time frame, the worker thread continues to do the background task.

But after the main thread awakes from the sleeping mode, it requests the worker thread to stop and exit.

Here we go with the source code

The thread function is written as

void printIncrementingValues(std::stop_token stopToken) {

while (!stopToken.stop_requested()) {

std::cout << startNumber++ << " " << std::flush;



std::cout << std::endl;


Look at the code line in the above code block.

while (!stopToken.stop_requested())

This line is the soul of the whole concept as this keeps listening to the event when the stop_request is issued.

The complete source code is here.


* Worker.h


* Created on: Mar 2, 2024

* Author: som


#ifndef WORKER_H_

#define WORKER_H_

#include <iostream>

#include <stop_token>

#include <thread>

using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;

using namespace std;

class Worker {


int startNumber;


Worker(int start){

startNumber = start;


virtual ~Worker(){


void printIncrementingValues(std::stop_token stopToken) {

while (!stopToken.stop_requested()) {

std::cout << startNumber++ << " " << std::flush;



std::cout << std::endl;



#endif /* WORKER_H_ */


// Name : advanced_stop_token.cpp

// Author : som

// Version :

// Copyright : som-itsolutions

// Description : Hello World in C++, Ansi-style


#include <iostream>

#include <stop_token>

#include <thread>

#include "Worker.h"

int main() {

Worker worker(1);

std::stop_source stopSource;

// creating stop_token object

std::stop_token stopToken = stopSource.get_token();

std::jthread ridit(&Worker::printIncrementingValues, &worker, stopToken);

// Register a callback

std::stop_callback callback(stopToken, []() {

std::cout << std::endl<<"Callback executed" << std::endl;




return 0;


And if we run this program, it will show the following


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Callback executed

As the main thread is in the sleep mode for 10 seconds and the

interval for printing the numbers is set to 500 ms, hence in the

output there will be 1 to 20.

The new C++ is changing very fast - keeping yourself abreast

with the changes is of utmost importance for the engineers who

are using modern C++.