Let me give you an example.
You know callback mechanism, observer pattern, and event listener pattern - all do kind of the same work - notify some objects when a specific event occurs. However, without the knowledge of design patterns, we will simply try to understand this phenomenon from just a programmer's point of view - and definitely, we will miss the big picture behind writing such kinds of object-oriented code.
I remember, when I studied the command routing architecture of Visual C++/MFC source code, I tried to map it with the Gang of Four design patterns and found out that this architecture uses two common design patterns at the same time - Command pattern and Chain of responsibility pattern.
Studying design patterns helps to decipher object-oriented code more like a professional - and not like a novice programmer.
It helps to figure out the source code not only from what and how's point of view, but also from Why's point of view. We can explain why a piece of code has been or should be written in a particular way.
Understanding the Why's is very essential for a software developer.
Let me tell you about my journey in NOKIA India in 2007 using Symbian S60 C++ framework.
There is a concept in Symbian called a two-phase constructor. I asked people about the Why's point of view. Nobody gave me the answer - everybody said this is the norm in Symbian. While breaking my head about this "why", I went to Japan and then realized the reason for such a two-phase constructor - to avoid the exception during constructor in case of low memory. Because in the earlier days of mobile phones, there was limited memory and moreover there were no template concepts in C++. Hence there was no smart pointer. This led me to study Boost pointer in Japan in 2008 and voila, in 2009 Boost library became a part of the standard C++ library.
In concisely, to get the big picture of any object-oriented code structure, it's important to know Design Patterns. It clarifies many questions - particularly why a piece of code should be written in a specific manner.
Here's the evolutionary journey of Ridit, my son and a young Computer Scientist of Bharat - vis-a-vis Design Pattern...
My bragging right - as a Guru of my son...
State Pattern in Java : 8 yrs old
State pattern in C++ : 11 yrs old
State pattern in Python : 12 yrs old
import FreeCAD as App
# Create a new document
doc = App.newDocument()
# Create a composite container (e.g., Part::Compound or App::Part)
composite = doc.addObject("App::Part", "CompositePart")
# Create child objects
box = doc.addObject("Part::Box", "Box")
sphere = doc.addObject("Part::Sphere", "Sphere")
# Set positions for better visualization
box.Placement.Base = App.Vector(0, 0, 0)
sphere.Placement.Base = App.Vector(5, 0, 0)
# Add child objects to the composite container
# Recompute the document to reflect changes
print("Composite Part created with Box and Sphere as children.")