Here is how i had set up my emulator's network settings for browsing the internet on a Windows 7 machine. for linux the same principle applies...
- Make the emulator pass through the firewall
- if you are behind a proxy go to settings and set up your proxy for the emulator through the following steps-
- Open the emulator and click on Menu
- Click on Settings
- Click on Wireless & Networks
- Go to Mobile Networks
- Go to Access Point Names and click on it
- Click on Telkila Internet
- In the Edit Access Point, input Proxy server and Port
- Also provide the User Name and Password
- Keep rest of the fields blank
- Sometimes the DNS of the host PC is not recognized by the emulator... in that case use the following command in the command prompt...emulator -avd
-dns -server ( is the Googles default DNS) and change the DNS server of your machine to otherwise you may opt for the DNS your company is using in the emulator -avd -dns -server command...
Hope this discussion comes handy for the Android newbies...