Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Builder Design Pattern implemented using Python...

 Today I am presenting the Builder Pattern in Python.

As the name suggests - it is part of the creational pattern.

The idea is that if a class has many member variables - and the final object may not depend on all of them - and the number of parameters that the constructor takes varies - instead of making a lot of overloaded constructors, we use this Builder pattern

The code footprint is heavily reduced - as there is no need to create a matching number of overloaded constructors to match each and every permutation and combination of the member variables passed in the constructors.

In the given example, we have created a common Student class which may represent a 10th std, a 12th std, or an engineering student - maybe in 1st yr or 2nd year, or third year or maybe in the final fourth year.

In the case of a student who is a qualified engineer, we need to supply all the marks…

But in the case of a 2nd-year student - we don’t need to bother about third-year marks or fourth-year marks, the 10th, 12th, and 1st-year marks are sufficient to represent the object of a second-year student vis-a-vis marks.

Here goes the code for the CS students of the UNIVERSE.

from abc import  ABC, abstractmethod

class Student:
class Builder:

def __init__(self):
self.address = ""
self.tenthmarks = 0
self.twelfthmarks = 0
self.firstyrmarks = 0
self.secondyrmarks = 0
self.thirdyrmarks = 0
self.fourthyrmarks = 0

def setname(self, name):
self.name = name
return self
def setaddress(self, address):
self.address = address
return self
def settenthmarks(self, tenthmarks):
self.tenthmarks = tenthmarks
return self
def settwelfthmarks(self, twelfthmarks):
self.twelfthmarks = twelfthmarks
return self
def setfirstyrmarks(self, firstyrmarks):
self.firstyrmarks = firstyrmarks
return self
def setsecondyrmarks(self, secondyrmarks):
self.secondyrmarks = secondyrmarks
return self
def setthirdyrmarks9(self, thirdyrmarks):
self.thirdyrmarks = thirdyrmarks
return self
def setfourthyrmarks(self, fourthyrmarks):
self.fourthyrmarks = fourthyrmarks
return self

def build(self):
return Student(self)

def __init__(self, builder):
self.name = builder.name
self.addrees = builder.address
self.tenthmarks = builder.tenthmarks
self.twelfthmarks = builder.twelfthmarks
self.firstyrmarks = builder.firstyrmarks
self.secondyrmarks = builder.secondyrmarks
self.thirdyrmarks = builder.thirdyrmarks
self.fourthyrmarks = builder.fourthyrmarks

def displayData(self):
if self.name != "":
print("Name : " , self.name)

if self.addrees != "":
print("Address : ", self.addrees)

if self.tenthmarks != 0:
print("10th Marks : ", self.tenthmarks)

if self.twelfthmarks != 0:
print("12th Marks : ", self.twelfthmarks)

if self.firstyrmarks != 0:
print("1st Yr Marks : ",self.firstyrmarks)

if self.secondyrmarks != 0:
print("2nd Yr Marks : ", self.secondyrmarks)

if self.thirdyrmarks != 0:
print ("3rd Yr marks : ", self.thirdyrmarks)

if self.fourthyrmarks != 0:
print ("4th Yr Marks : ", self.fourthyrmarks)

# Press the green button in the gutter to run the script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
ram12th = Student.Builder().setname("Ram").setaddress("Kolkata").

shyam2ndYr = Student.Builder().setname("Shyam").setaddress("Delhi")



If we run the above program, the output will be as follows:

Name :  Ram
Address :  Kolkata
10th Marks :  50

Name :  Shyam
Address :  Delhi
10th Marks :  70
12th Marks :  78
1st Yr Marks :  70

As it is clear for Ram, till 10th marks was important whereas, for Shyam, on the other hand, marks till 1st year are important.

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